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KYC and Mainnet Faucet
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BitFusion Bridge SDK
Bitfinity has developed an exciting open-source SDK that leverages Chain Key Technology to create novel solutions for decentralised asset bridging from any chain to Bitfinity.
Some of the web3 Technologies already supported by the Core Library
Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries.
Runes is a smart contract platform that enables the creation of decentralized applications on Bitcoin.
Ordinals is a protocol for creating and managing unique digital assets on the Bitcoin blockchain.
ERC20 is a standard for tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.
ICRC1 is a protocol for creating and managing digital assets on Bitcoin.
BRC20 is a token standard on the Bitcoin blockchain that allows for the creation and management of fungible tokens.
How does it work?
It’s fully open source
ChainKey uses threshold cryptography to shard the private keys to assets
Anything can be bridged, from tokens to NFTs, and anything developers and companies creatively envision existing on multiple chains
The core Library does not rely on centralised components
The Bridge Widget is an example of how a UI component can interact with a deployment of the ChainFusion Canister