Ecosystem Dapps
Explore the ecosystem on Bitfinity
Bitfinity Tokenomics
Bitfinity's token economics
Testnet Faucet
Mint Testnet tokens on Bitfinity
KYC and Mainnet Faucet
KYC on Bitfinity to claim Mainnet tokens
Mainnet Block Explorer
Find & explore your Bitfinity transactions
Explore the governance model of Bitfinity
Grants & Partner Program
Grow your project on Bitfinity
Get Testnet BTF
Use our faucet to get Bitfinity test tokens
Native Token
Select Token
Token Contract address:
How it works:
You can send a request to the faucet every 60 seconds and, if not already done, import the token into Metamask with the provided token contract address. If the transaction was successfull you will find the claimed tokens in your MetaMask wallet.
Whether you’re an individual looking to use one of the projects or a developer wanting to build on Bitfinity EVM, now is the time to get started.
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